Window or Mirror?

Image from Libby

My book that I just finished last weekend was Warriors Super Edition: Bramblestar’s Storm by Erin Hunter. It was about wild cats that live in clans. Warriors is a series and Warriors Super Edition: Bramblestar’s Storm is about specifically Bramblestar’s view when there was a storm and the clans’ territories were flooded. Warriors Super Edition: Bramblestar’s Storm was a window for me. Warriors Super Edition: Bramblestar’s Storm by Erin Hunter is a fictional story. I chose this book because I love the Warriors series and I finished it so now I’m reading the super edition books.

Warriors Super Edition: Bramblestar’s Storm is a window for me because I’m not a cat, I don’t live in ThunderClan or any one of the Clans, and my home has never been flooded. I don’t choose window books on purpose because I just choose books I want to read. I do usually end up reading window books because I like fictional books. 

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